Well hello! It’s been awhile… it’s me, Kerri!

I’m so pleased to be catching up with you… it’s been a long time in the making, and a lot of personal work but things are going well!
I'm wondering how you start your morning? Intention, purpose, enthusiasm?
Worry, overwhelmed, exhausted?
Every morning you get to choose your attitude, do you?
There was a time when the thought of getting out of bed and facing the day was incredibly overwhelming; the idea of surviving another day, dealing with the pressure, making it through another day, it felt impossible. I would press snooze way too many times and roll out of bed with less than enough time to rush through my morning prep and head out the door.
It’s been years of learning to change the chatter in my head, implementing new thoughts, behaviors and actions into my day, to enjoy each moment rather than survive.

Now it’s less snoozing and more setting an intention for the day! When the alarm goes off, I begin by telling myself what kind of day it is going to be, “It’s going to be a great day!” Instead of picking up my phone and looking at social media, which could certainly influence a poor attitude, I prepare my mind by thinking about what I get to do and how I will do it.
I’ve learned how to look in the mirror with acceptance rather than disgust, I’ve created space to move at a comfortable pace rather than rush which causes all sorts of anxieties!
One thing I’ve been specifically focusing on is being present! In order to heal, I need to accept myself and be fully present as I am, not as I think you think I am, not as I think I am supposed to be, just as I am… so I work on being patient with people, patient with myself and truly engaging, listening and interacting with the people I am surrounded by in the moment. To check in on myself, every night as I am lying down prepared to fall asleep, I think about my day. Hour by hour I look for the bright spots and fall asleep with peace in my heart.
How do you fall asleep?
Is there a peaceful feeling in your heart or worry in your head?
As I was reflecting on my week, I thought about the amazing things I’ve been witnessing and wanted to share with you because I find it inspiring and uplifting!
On Monday, Walt was beaming with pride, a huge smile on his face… he just finished the 9:15 team training class which he has just spent a year working toward giving it a try. He has been attending Bodies in Motion Level 1, one time per week, most weeks, with the intention of improving his health so he can feel better, move better and live better. When he told me how amazed he was at how much better he feels after exercising, he was so sincere… he said it took him one year to finally take the 9:15 class, and he went from doing 600 steps per day, to 7000!!!
Even one day a week makes a big difference in the trajectory of your life!

Coach Nicki has been nurturing the Bodies in Motion Level 2 class. This group has been such a strong, healthy support system, the heart of our mission: support, inspire and motivate! After class, they walk outside together for added steps and social interaction! This group has even been showing up for their workouts even when coach is away, now that’s dedication!
We are thrilled to extend the opportunity for people to come together and walk to build heart health and enjoy fellowship!
The walking program has been rewarding, we are up to 17min out and 17min back, this means we walk at our own pace and when the timer buzzes wherever you find yourself you turn back and head in, so we start and finish together. Although it might be cold, we bundle up and warm up with the activity! Regina, who has told me she will not be showing up in the cold, has overcome that hurdle and has come despite the weather, even walked the hill! It feels good to be surrounded by positive energy, inspired by stories, ideas and empathy!
On Tuesday, the Bodies in Motion Level 1 class was “rocking around the clock” and smiling! Libby has been enjoying herself so much and cannot believe the difference she feels in just four weeks of consistently showing up, twice a week; her back pain is so much better! I love to hear about it and to see the joy in her eyes, and it’s not just her, it’s the group!

I get to spend time exercising with the folks at the Palmer house here in town! We can call it “sit and fit,” we sit in a semi-circle, sing to the music, move in our chairs and play! The power of connection at it’s finest, together, our spirits are lifted during that hour! There are two incredible people participating in class who are blind, a 99year old lady, one with a shoulder problem, another with diabetes, another on oxygen, the list goes on… but the best part is, they are showing up and even feeling the benefits of attending! I hear things like, I think this is really helping my shoulder, this is making a difference in the pain in my wrists, I feel so much better!
I’ve got more stories like Carol stepping out of her comfort zone and trying the Hearts in Motion class! Garrett escaping from behind his desk to get some much needed movement in to alleviate the aches and pains that had been creeping in, he has been reminded of his potential as he completed kipping pull-ups, handstand push-ups and climbing the rope!
I can’t say enough about our members!
You keep the community connected, you show up for each other, you bring the energy and uplift one another, it’s amazing!
I'm so grateful this team continues to support, inspire and motivate one another even when I'm in the dark!

The other day a group from our team headed out to the trails, once again, to cheer on the trail runners and make sure they didn't get lost on the course! It's always a great day when we can come together lend a hand in the community! We had a great time... I'm looking forward to more team outings, new apparel and sending my emails again! Anyone ready for some new apparel?!?!
A Look at what’s ahead…
Our winter schedule is about to unfold.
This means more student classes and specialized programs in the gym.
Reminder to our access only members, the upstairs weight room is always available, however when a class is in session, in the main room or sports room, that room is closed for the duration of class. The exception to this is the treadmills and ellipticals as they are always available.
Athlete Performance Enhancement is enrolling now. Options for grades 4-6 and 7+
The Power of 4 Challenge program will be launching a pre-new year round starting the first week of Dec! If you want to keep yourself on track or avoid going off the rails, get connected with our group! It’s a bit different this year, so stay tuned for details! New format and an additional Sat morning class! We will have an official launch for the new year Jan 6!
The best part about your attitude is you can change it... so what kind of day do you want to have? Are you acting or reacting? Decide what your intention is and go do it!
I see you, I support you, You matter to me! Keep going!